Pregnancy & Postnatal Exercise Classes
By Healthweb | October 10, 2024
Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Classes
Why exercise while pregnant?
During pregnancy, your body is undergoing many changes from both a physical and psychological point of view. Pregnancy hormones flow in all your body areas as both your baby and uterus grow. Your tummy grows larger and your tummy muscles stretch. There will be body weight shifts in the pelvis and low back as the abdomen becomes rounder. Later in the pregnancy your breasts enlarge, creating a further change in weight distribution around the neck, shoulders, shoulder blades and mid back. These pregnancy hormones serve a prime role in gently softening tissues, enabling your body to adapt to the pregnancy. They also prepare your body for labour. What occurs is a general weakening of muscle systems (in the pelvic floor, abdomen, core, gluteal, spinal, leg areas) as the hormones do what they are meant to do. These hormones can also result in mood changes, or difficulty sleeping, or being easily reduced to tears.
As this is an important and changing time in a woman’s life, there are a number of benefits to exercising correctly and safely during your pregnancy. These include:
- Helping with fatigue and energy levels
- Strengthening pelvic floor and core abdominal muscles with a sense of awareness
- Strengthening and stretching low back, mid back, trunk, shoulder, leg and arm muscle systems to better support you and help you move through your pregnancy
- Relieve and prevent back and pelvic joint pain
- Reducing the side effects of pregnancy such as insomnia, gestational diabetes, anxiety, heartburn, carpal tunnel, leg cramps and body aches and stiffness
- Encouraging appropriate pregnancy weight gain
- Preparing you physically and mentally for baby’s birth
- Promoting muscle strength and awareness in key parts of your body, in readiness for the postnatal period.
Why choose Physiotherapy for Women?
Physiotherapy for Women is proud to be offering pregnant and postnatal women over 20 years of experience providing highly skilled physiotherapy in both a clinical and exercise class setting. This experience and our commitment to continuing further education for our therapists, provides the clinic with the quality skills to assist you in improving or maintaining your physical health during your pregnancy and after delivery.
In the friendly, relaxed exercise class setting, pregnant and postnatal women have the opportunity to take time out for themselves, have a laugh with new mums and share thoughts and experiences with each other. You will also be in the rewarding position of receiving professional guidance from skilled physiotherapists, who are passionate about this vital time in a woman’s life.
The pregnancy exercise class is a mat work class led by the physiotherapist in a small group setting. The Swiss Ball, resistant band and appropriate weights are used in a variety of positions and movements. Pelvic floor muscle strengthening and deep abdominal core activation are included in many of the body movements. Should a particular position or movement not feel right for any pregnant woman, the physiotherapist understands how to change the exercise to meet her needs. In summary, the pregnancy exercise classes have been designed to maximize the benefits listed in the previous question.
Is it safe to exercise when pregnant?
In a low-risk pregnancy, exercise is encouraged for the benefit of mother and baby. At Physiotherapy for Women, you will be asked to obtain written consent from your obstetrician, doctor or midwife, before attending a class. This request means communication lines are open between your pregnancy health specialist and your physiotherapist.
Bookings for the pregnancy classes are essential, so please phone to book a place and receive current information regarding the classes and what you wear.
A physiotherapy consultation may be required before commencing the class, when there is a situation of significant pain or tightness being experienced by the pregnant woman.
Do I have to be very fit to attend?
No, the pregnancy exercise class is taken at your own pace and progressions on each exercise can be made as you feel stronger. It is recommended that if you have any significant pain or tightness in any body area, you first attend an assessment and treatment consultation with one of our physios. Their skills will determine when you are ready to start a class.
Pregnancy Exercise Class Details:
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and a pair of grip sole socks, which can be purchased at the clinic. The class is 45 minutes in length. Class numbers are controlled and bookings are essential.
See our Exercise Class Timetable for the Pregnancy exercise class time.
Postnatal exercise classes with physiotherapy guidance
Postnatal exercise classes at Physiotherapy for Women are an individualized program of safe exercise, designed to meet your specific needs and goals as a new mum. We provide a progressive postnatal program, which consists of different levels of exercise class systems. Postnatal classes start with mat work and then move on to a combined mat plus equipment class at intermediate and advanced levels of loading.
The postnatal program commences with the Mum’s Core and More Starter Class in a small group setting. This is a mat exercise class, with safe, effective loading of deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. These two muscle groups comprise an important part of the trunk’s core muscle system. General strengthening of arms, legs, shoulders, neck, knees and hips will occur with activation of the core muscles. Stretching muscles and training balance reactions are included in the starter class.
A comprehensive postnatal assessment is a pre-requisite for any woman entering the post-delivery classes. There is no specific time of entry into the Mum’s Core and More Starter Class, with the physio having the skills to adjust the exercises to suit every woman’s postnatal needs. Most women commence the starter class between eight to sixteen weeks postnatally. Once a woman has demonstrated an ability to load her core activation correctly, she is ready to enter the starter class.
As a mother, learning to use core activation in your busy and active lifestyle of baby care is a winner. Our physiotherapists aim to help each mum gain a feeling of wellbeing and the ability to cope with disturbed sleep and always being in demand. Safe, progressive exercise for every postnatal woman is what we excel in.
Why is postnatal rehabilitation important?
After carrying a baby for many months and then going through the process of delivering your baby, it is easy to understand that your post pregnancy body has been through a number of physical changes. Alas, your body is not going to suddenly restore itself to what it was without a bit of work. Coping physically and mentally with a new baby in your life presents some natural challenges for many mums. Baby care activity places many physical demands on mum’s body, which isn’t helped when there is sleep disturbance.
This is the time for mums to think smart by having a postnatal consult with one of our excellent physiotherapists. The following areas of assessment, advice and treatment comprise this consult:
- Midline tummy separation (DRAM) assessment
- Core deep abdominal activation training
- Pelvic floor muscle discussion and exercise training
- Initial home exercise program
- Advice on back care and any other area of concern
If there are specific areas of pain, stiffness or weakness, another appointment is recommended. This enables the physio to have the time to assess and treat this area along with providing information on how to help yourself.
Benefits of Postnatal Physiotherapy Exercise Classes
In summary, postnatal physiotherapy exercise classes at Physiotherapy for Women can help you with:
- Toning and flattening your post baby tummy with effective core training and loading systems prescribed for you
- Increasing the strength and balance reactions of your stabilising muscles in all body areas
- Regaining your pre-pregnancy body
- Reducing or eliminating niggly aches and pains
- Improving how you move along with your ability to carry out everyday functions as a mum
- Improving mood and mindset
- Providing an opportunity for “me” time, which helps you to be a happier and more responsive mum
Postnatal Exercise Class Details:
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and a pair of grip sole socks, which can be purchased at the clinic. The class is 45 minutes in length. Class numbers are controlled and bookings are essential.
See our Exercise Class Timetable for the Postnatal exercise class times.