Pregnancy and Postnatal Physiotherapy
Reasons for aches and pains in the Childbearing Year In the child bearing year many musculoskeletal changes occur within the women’s body. It is important to respect these changes during pregnancy, post-delivery and into the postnatal period. The pregnancy softening...
Healthy Breathing and Physiotherapy
Healthy Breathing and Physiotherapy Breathing is our life force, but how often do we spend any time thinking about this vital process. Do we know how poor breathing can create pain that may eventually require physiotherapy? A good breathing pattern uses the diaphragm,...
Tennis Elbow
What does Tennis Elbow mean? Tennis elbow is a painful condition affecting the outside part of the elbow. This area is called the lateral epicondyle and so the medical term is lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of the forearm. The outer...
When do I use Heat and when do I use Cold
This is a question frequently asked by our clients in both consultations and exercise classes at Physiotherapy for Women. Hot and cold therapies have been used for centuries as healing modalities to promote health and well-being. Our physiotherapists will help you in...
Our greatest asset – movement!
Movement is key to everything we do, and as humans we need to move often in order to stay healthy. Moving often is very important, but we must also move WELL in order to get the most out of our bodies and be truly healthy.
Taping for treatment
Tape. It’s one of the various tools in our arsenal that we sometimes call upon to help a person in their recovery from injury.
Women living with diabetes
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition that affects the body’s ability to breakdown (or metabolise) the food we eat into energy, for use by the trillions of cells that make up the human form. Diabetes is a global problem, and while it affects both men and women, there is one type that affects women only – gestational diabetes.
How important are you to yourself?
Now that the fun and frolics are over for another year, it’s back to the routine of everyday life and everyday stress… But where do YOU fit in to all of this? We always ask the question ‘How important are you to yourself?’. Let’s discuss why this is important and what you can do to ensure you make 2020 more about you.
3 Common Walking Myths Busted!
Walking as an exercise needs to be understood and respected. It is time to dismiss the commonly held idea around walking not being a worthwhile workout. Here we present the truth about three walking for exercise myths. Myth #1: 10,000 Steps is the Holy Grail “Wow,...